Monday, March 2, 2009

What's for breakfast?

Mornings are a funny time at our house. We have these little furry creatures that follow us around hoping to somehow lead us to their breakfast bowls.

I am usually brought to consciousness, an hour before I want to be, (at least) with a furry 17 lbs pound Buddy walking across my head-literally. This he does to get to my hands which are out from the cover. He then rubs his own face on my hands in an attempt to be petted, crying in his loud high pitched (girly) cry to pet him, cuz he's here already and he can see my hands after all.

After a little love, I turn over and hide my hands under the covers. After which he makes his way to my feet and sleeps on them for the duration of the morning.

About an hour later, Kitty will come along. She tests for my body with one paw till she finds my hip, then jumps up and balance beams it to my shoulder and plops down, on my now pinned arm. There she waits to be petted and loved. I have to move carefully as not to upset the princess so that I can show her some attention.

Then, as I get up and ready, they follow me from the bathroom to the closet yelling at me all the while and hissing at each other until I make it into the kitchen . Buddy then runs full throttle to the washer to get to his special source of dry food goodness.

That is the norm. Well, the other day I woke up naturally happily and strangely cat free. I got up and showered and walked into the kitchen and they still didn't come running. I ate breakfast and they came down, but didn't bother me for anything. I thought "Humph, maybe Justin already fed them." The they disappeared again, "Proof" I thought.

About an hour later after my finishing the dishes, daily blog stalking and email check, I walked upstairs into my family room. And there where my little furry babies. Trying to catch THE BIRD, perched on the entertainment center. Yes the live bird that I do not own, flying around in my living room.

***Flash back to last night*** The day was a sweltering 86 degrees (winter in Texas). We opened the front windows a sliver about 1 1/2 inches, (the screens have been missing since we bought the house). And we left them open through the night. Oops!

So I rush to the windows throw them open and the bird flutters through the living room. "Please don't go downstairs and for heaven's sake don't poop on the couch!!!, and don't let a furry being catch you" is what is running through my head. Luckily about 3 minutes later the bird flew out. I closed the window, quickly and completely! (Not surprisingly, the furries were ready for breakfast when their little birdy "happy meal" took flight!)

Buddy's new bed!
Kitty, watching out for buddy.
Buddy helping me check my email!
(or just fully blocking the screen)