Wednesday, April 1, 2009


We all have our little quirks and I guess when it comes to doing the laundry I have my own. I usually do the laundry and change all the sheets, towels, table cloths, household stuff etc. on Tuesday (but I had a project yesterday- revamping some drapes- I'll get pictures later) Hence, I have been doing all the laundry today.

And as I stacked all the shirts and pants to hang, I had to laugh at myself, for my little requirements. (and I warn you they were much worse in high school, I have calmed down a bit- probably cuz I do two peoples laundry plus household stuff now, soon to be more little people's laundry! Yeah!) Without further adieu:

My (self imposed) Rules for putting away our clothes:

1. All clothes must face the same direction.
2. All items must be right side out.
3. All buttons, from top to bottom must be fastened.
4. All clothing must be hung on the same colored hanger. (unity people)
5. Clothing must be hung in color order.
6. Clothing must be hung in its proper place, shirts with shirts, skirts with skirts.
7. If folded, it must be approximately the same size, to stack nicely!!

I can't think of anymore RULES at the second. But as I hang everything up, I reorganize too. Especially Justin's side, as he might have put something away, during the week that is - not quite right.... Ahh, the joys of life. But it makes me happy, and gives a bit of order to an otherwise crazy messy space.

And it makes my life so much prettier! Here are some random pics: (cuz a post is not complete without them!)

What quirks do you guys have? I know you have them... (and, NO this did not begin with pregnancy!!)